Cataracts And Cataract Surgery: FAQ

Good eyesight is something that everyone wants to preserve. After all, you use your eyes to interact with the world in many ways, such as reading, watching videos, and enjoying nature. Anything that threatens your vision, such as cataracts, must be taken very seriously. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about this important health issue.  What are Cataracts? Cataracts are cloudy areas on the lens of your eye. Read More 

Closed-Angle Glaucoma: Optometry Diagnostic Criteria And Treatment Options

Glaucoma is either classified as open-angle or closed-angle. While both types of glaucoma cause elevations in intraocular pressure, closed-angle, also known as acute-angle glaucoma, can cause severe symptoms. While glaucoma is more common in older people, it can develop in people of all ages. Because early intervention is important to help reduce the risk of progressive eye disease, it is important to see your optometrist regularly so that any changes in vision or eye function can be recognized and treated while still in their early stages. Read More